DEFRA's faeces

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


Just imagine if the clowns at DEFRA realised that domestic animal faeces were treated as hazardous waste?

We'd be all wearing hazmat suits, children would not be allowed in kennels or catteries, no pre-menopausal women would be allowed to work in catteries because of the risk of toxoplasmosis. Dogs wouldn't be allowed to walk on floors of public places, vets would have to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for disinfecting between appointments and dogs would all have to be carried between the car and the park and dogs wouldn't be able to associate or crap in the same park or paddock.

The failure of DEFRA to understand anything about our industry is written into every line of their legislation.

DEFRA has undermined its own authority and credibility and can't defend it's regulatory framework on any level - and if unlicensed and uninsured cat-sitters are threatening our business model, it's because at some level their negative advertising strikes a chord, because if we followed all of DEFRA's directives we'd be forced to join the Prison Officers trade union rather than being approached by Unite."