Local Authority Police State (03)

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA sent Local Authorities to Police our industry.

"Local Authority employees are not Police, they are representatives of an unaccountable corrupt institution."

What’s wrong with local authorities, why don’t they work and what’s wrong with the people who work for them?


Local Authority officials won’t fix their mistakes because they pretend that if a procedure exists, then it was followed to the letter and if a decision was reached, then no mistakes could have been made.

You can’t work for a local authority if you have any integrity or credibility.

  • Any sense of morality or individual responsibility is beaten out of them on day one.
  • Any self-respect is drowned out by a collective wall of arrogance and any independent thought asphyxiated by the institution.
  • And all personal corruption is encouraged because it's needed for infallible authoritarianism to flourish.

No one working for a local authority has any sense of responsibility or social morality.
They are simply brainwashed into believing that checking boxes, respecting processes and following protocols are sacrosanct - which they fail to follow and when it all goes wrong, there’s an excuse for that too.

The level of local authority misconduct, corruption and dishonesty make the Metropolitan Police look like choir boys.
But that’s because Local Authority officials don’t face criminal referrals because the Police don’t want to get involved because it's a waste of their time and they both represent the same power structure.
The Local Government Ombudsman who is paid to investigate complaints needs disbanding and replacing with a new body with real powers - One that is publicly accountable and focussed on supporting and representing the public, that will identify mistakes and tear down the wall of lies and arrogance.

Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 01)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 02)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 04)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 05)
Click here for more on the Local Authority Police State (part 06)