DEFRA: An idiocracy of fools

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


DEFRA is just another acronym for a government idiocracy.

  • DEFRA have no legitimate defence and so engage in theatrical posturing designed to keep them safe from the consequences of having worsened animal welfare and being instrumental in reducing the UK’s boarding capacity by a third.
  • DEFRA took a set of regulations that existed so that local authorities could issue licenses and replaced them with a new set of regulations that are being abused by local authorities as a threat to demand investments, to withhold licences or downrate businesses that were all satisfying and serving customer needs before the regulations were altered.
  • DEFRA introduced a star rating system that is unworkable and conveys nothing to the public and doesn’t consider the experience or care that is given as important.
  • DEFRA introduced legislation that regulates every aspect of our private lives, our staffing levels and our personal businesses - none of which was in response to any known problem and none of which has resolved any known problem.
  • DEFRA can produce nothing to show that their changes to the legislation has benefited anyone working in this industry.
  • DEFRA can not show that any cats have benefitted from any regulatory changes.


But as an industry with a collective experience of the DEFRA/local authority clown show, we know that DEFRA's regulations have forced people out of this sector, reduced efficiency, reduced the time we can spend with the cats, increased costs, reduced profits and hurt consumers.