DEFRA, maths and rakes

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


"Bureaucrats are over-compensated for the little they contribute to society, have way too much time on their hands and too little experience of work to be telling anyone else how to run their businesses."

The DEFRA clowns wrote regulations that require Kennels and Catteries to have a reciprocal agreement with another Kennel or Cattery to take their guests in in an emergency.

  • These bureaucratic buffoons didn't even realise that almost every cattery and kennel is full to capacity for 5 months of the year so if any emergency occurred in those months there wouldn't be any spare capacity anywhere.
  • DEFRA didn't even have the basic understanding of maths to foresee that if a 60 cat establishment got into trouble they'd need to find ten 6 pen catteries within a few miles and only in the low season when they might not be completely full.


Almost every line on every page of the recent regulations is problematic. Many are just down to inexperience, incompetence and stupidity, but others are just like watching someone repeating the same formulaic and compulsive nonsense over and over that they never notice the rake handle repeatedly smacking them in the face.