DEFRA, a rating system that tells you nothing!

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


What is the point of a star system if it doesn't tell anyone what was measured or what facilities are available?


  • If it's a restaurant, people want to know about the price, the quality of food or if there are rats in the kitchen and a Michelin star does give an indication of price, a lower number of rats and food quality.
  • If it's a hotel, people want to know whether there's wi-fi in every room or a jacuzzi on the roof or a maid service. But these businesses aren't legislated to provide these facilities any more than they're required to employ 1 bellhop for every 3.57 guests or provide a 23.7 hour reception service.
  • When customers choose a cattery they don't need a star system. At the absolute minimum, they want their cats to be safe, fed twice a day and their litter trays cleaned and a bit of a fuss - and whatever else an establishment wants to provide on top is a private contract between the business owner and their customer.