DEFRA vs Margaret Atwood

by Cat Whisperer — on  , 


Margaret Atwood "dystopian prophet"

We’re already have culture war stoking divisive politicians encouraging support for thier brand of fascism: hatred of alternate genders, non-christian religions, different melanin levels or any other voiceless minority de jour. But all they have achieved is a county-wide breakdown of moral integrity where there are no consequences for lying to parliament and gaslighting the public is the norm, not the exception. When our industry was discussed in parliament the spokesperson for DEFRA pulled the usual stunt of saying one thing in public and then doing something else when the spotlight was off her, and without the necessary integrity to even hold talks with us, she played no further part in the process.


Margaret Atwood of the Handmaid’s Tale says it’s easy to imagine how tyrannies and authoritarian dystopian autocracies emerge, but all you really need to tell an interesting story is understanding that all people are capable of good, evil and stupidity.

  • DEFRA's chaotic and nonsensical regulations are the by-product of half-witted officials who were not qualified to write any regulations.
  • DEFRA didn't care that imposing regulations without consultation with an industry that DEFRA had no knowledge or understanding of would have catastrophic consequences.
  • DEFRA’s staff are hiding behind an entirely autocratic and irresponsible institution because between conducting pointless zoom calls and writing off our industry as “stakeholders” they’ve done nothing to save a great British service industry from collapse.

DEFRA’s continuing inaction, contempt for the public and small businesses is an undoubted reality, but their failure to accept their mistakes is a flagrant example of tyrannical and authoritarian abuse.
To paraphrase Magaret Atwood, If people no longer matter to our rulers, there’s nothing to prevent any institution from ordering bullets in the back of the head for anyone who challenges them.