DEFRA: Death of responsibility

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


DEFRA: where shame and responsibility go to die.

We’re a hotel for cats and we welcome guests into our homes, but DEFRA have deliberately mistranslated “Mi casa es su casa” to mean “Your business is our business.”
In 2019 DEFRA launched an aggressive authoritarian takeover based on the absurd belief that animal welfare in the UK was non-existent and that local authorities would be the appropriate enforcers of whatever collective stupidity and idiotic regulations they could dream up.

The fact is that DEFRA wrote an entire sector’s regulations when they had no access to any legitimate advice and no relevant knowledge of our industry ... and they knew even less about how it functions … and nothing at all about how it would affect any of the people working in it.

What DEFRA wrote as regulations presents adequate predication for an investigation into all of the processes as well as the negligence, overreach and incompetence of everyone involved.


Being a bureaucrat holds a unique position on a knife edge between absolute power and an absolute abuse of power.

  • Bureaucrats work behind arcane black-out curtains because light and transparency is the enemy.
  • Making decisions that when challenged then no one responsible for the decisions they made, let alone the consequences.
  • A concentration of power is a tyranny and no other job exists where you can be paid for being a useless waste of space, screw up everything and still not be fired on the spot.

And the fundamental question is: If you can’t do your own job properly, why the hell did you think you’re qualified to tell anyone else how to do theirs?

A bureaucrat has a sense of importance that doesn’t reflect anything they’ve ever achieved - DEFRA codified regulations that were not even proof read, peer reviewed and written without any concept that ‘feasibility’, ‘diligence’ and ‘consequences’ were still part of the English language.

And to top everything else, we're now watching the pinnacle of bureaucratic shamelessness, which is saving your own department the embarrassment of being held to account for their own mistakes.
And bureaucrats do this because the more ludicrous the cover-ups and the more self-serving machinations you commit to, the higher you’ll rise in the institution and the more corrupt the institution becomes and the worse it’s run.

And just as a historic note, when Roman Senator, Cato the Elder wanted a war with Carthage, he ended every oratory with “Delenda Est Cathargo” and since the enemy is DEFRA we should end all of our sector's musings should with “Delanda Est DEFRA!” - DEFRA must be destroyed … culled, thinned out or put down or whatever farming terminology would be more appropriate.