DEFRA: Local Authority Enforcers

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  ,  , 


DEFRA did not have the talent or knowledge to write regulations - and local authorities do not possess the temperament, knowledge or skills to carry out inspections.


Local authorities have bungled dozens of inspections.

  • It’s not because they aren’t trained to interact with or respect small business owners …
  • It isn’t because a licensing officer’s qualification is about as useful as an unclassified GCSE in breaststroke …
  • It’s not because the kind of person who applies for a job in a local authority wouldn’t have the aptitude or experience to take on any responsible position in our sector …

It’s because DEFRA gave the job of enforcing the operating procedures, working conditions and personal lives of everyone working in our industry to low-level officials whose total previous experience was pressing “print” to issue a license certificate for a burger bar.

Across the country there have been reports of widespread toxic conduct by local authority employees:

  • Local authority employees have chosen to misinterpret and cite imaginary breaches of DEFRA’s regulatory framework.
  • Local authority employees made the choice to use DEFRA’s authoritarian overreach as an excuse to engage in harassment and threatening conduct.
  • Local authority employees have made demands for capital input and made denial of licenses contingent on business owners kow-towing to local authoritarians.

Only going to illustrate that Local Authorities are not fit for this or any other purpose.