Ending the Clown Show

by Cat Whisperer — on  , 


At the heart of every problem is the recognition that DEFRA are a failed and ungovernable institution - A bureaucracy who have a huge publicly funded budget and a prominent spot in the cabinet and yet continuously waste money, underperform and continually work against the public’s interests.


Bureaucracy is a villain and a curse.

  • On some insignificant level it’s a necessary evil, but it needs to kept to a minimum and it needs to know its place.
  • Every business knows that any red tape is a drain on resources and profitability just as we know that well designed red tape can be beneficial.
  • Anyone forced to employ unproductive staff to fill in paperwork need to be judged by the outcomes.
  • In a small businesses some bureaucracy like keeping your books straight or taking bookings is inevitable. But in a small business, having to pay someone just to fill in forms causes a huge increase in costs or cuts down on everyone else’s wages - neither of which is acceptable to anyone.

Why DEFRA doesn't work.

  • At the heart of every failing bureaucracy are managers who don't understand problems and bureaucrats who don’t want to work.
  • Government bureaucrats introduced unnecessary and time-wasting rules because they have no concept of efficiency or profit.
  • Institutional bureaucracies are structured so that whenever anything goes wrong, they’re focussed on responsibility avoidance and delusional excuses.
  • Bureaucracies kill initiative, creativity and spontaneity because their systems only work if every possible option is included which they did by adding 20 pages of absolute nonsense to our regulations.
  • But DEFRA have never been told that bureaucracies can’t create systems to cope with randomness, people or anomalies because people are not theoretical actors or automatons and animals are all unpredictable with individual needs.

So why are bureaucrats so delusional about our sector?

  • How could bureaucrats understand our sector when the idea of working with animals is a vocation and the reward of the job is being of service?
  • How could they know that working with animals requires independent thinking, individual decisions and 100% flexibility when theirs reqires none of these?
  • How could they understand why people choose to work with animals or work for themselves when they chose to be part of a machine that negates agency, tells them what to do and when to do it?

Why are DEFRA so incompetent and delusional?

  • Even if there were enough competent bureaucrats available to fulfil all of DEFRA’s duties, DEFRA have failed to serve the public interest across their entire brief.
  • Even if any manager found a way to react to problems, DEFRA still wouldn’t be able to do the work they’re paid for because any talent was outsourced to consultants and lobbyists.
  • Even if any of the cabinet ministers had the time to learn their brief before they’re reshuffled, DEFRA will remain a failed and disreputable institution in need of separation and dissolution.

So how did DEFRA regulate our industry out of viability?

  • DEFRA imposed an entire raft of non-negotiated terms & conditions, included restrictions on private lives, demanded pointless work practices and increased unnecessary paperwork.
  • A dysfunctional bureaucracy with a planetary sized arrogance and a lack of any due diligence launched what amounts to an unjustifiable, restrictive and hostile takeover of hundreds of independent and privately owned businesses without any legitimate reason or consultation with our sector.
  • None of the Cattery & Kennels regulations benefit the public and only DEFRA benefits from doing nothing because admitting their incompetence and negligence is not in their interest.

How to End the Clown Show.

  • We can’t have a group of self-important bureaucrats destroy this industry because they can’t accept their mistakes and believe that hypocrisy, shamelessness and dereliction of duty are all superpowers.
  • DEFRA must be staffed with bureaucrats who are willing reduce red tape everywhere and examine their own backyard before they think about exercising any more insulting influence over anyone else.
  • I’m not going to predict the collapse of the entire the civil service but if it only exists to incentivise responsibility avoidance and views doing nothing as a solution to every problem, it deserves to be broken up.
  • If DEFRA are unable to serve the public interest, business or the country and don’t understand the purpose of responsibility, then they are of no use to anyone.
  • DEFRA is permanently staffed with incompetent bureaucrats who have no effective leaders, no recognisable goal and a track record of absolute failure in protecting the Environment, Food production & Rural Affairs.
  • 100 MP’s form our government and while only a few have cabinet positions, the vast majority of positions are for “Junior Ministers” who are meant to review legislation on a continual basis - DEFRA in its current form is ungovernable and must be broken up into dedicated and manageable departments.
  • Each department will require a junior minister who will be responsible for adjusting their output to benefit the country as opposed to the narrow vested interests DEFRA currently serves.