DEFRA: Abuse & Tyranny

by Cat Whisperer — on  ,  , 


A systemic abuse of power with no public accountability is a tyranny.


The fundamental aim of any power is to push the outer limits of their powers and in our case it was inventing new rules and regulations to impose uniformity on all their subjects.

Intrusive State institutions who overstep their bounds or interfere in private businesses is a modern day tyrannical act.

DEFRA first needs to understand the concept of public service before assuming the divine right of Kings to rule over us.

And the upshot of this is that when government institutions believe that there are no limits, no accountability and no actual oversight, every government employee will have spent their entire career believing that they’re untouchable and can get away with anything - So that lying, losing emails or altering official documents become a legitimate defence and even serious crimes like involuntary manslaughter won’t even be investigated or prosecuted.

Anyone coming into contact with any local authority over the past few decades would know that local bureaucracies are no more fit for purpose than any of the bungling government institutions based in London are.

  • Why didn’t DEFRA know that local authorities have lost 40% of their budgets since 2010?
  • Why didn’t DEFRA know that local authorities have been raising taxes on local people to meet the short-fall while cutting the quality of services?
  • Why didn’t DEFRA know that local authorities have a track record of waste and mismanagement even before DEFRA hired them as law enforcement officers?

Death & Closure

Two of the catteries that closed had the same complaints as anyone else does, but the final insult was being forced to accept a bureaucrat judging them on flawed regulations to inform the public whether they were a good cattery or a bad cattery with no reference to experience or animal care.

I’ve written previously about what happened to Ruth Perry at the hands of an official employed by the education department. While waiting to be downngraded from "outstanding" after an inspection, she killed herself.
Not because she lost the ability or skills to run a school overnight. She killed herself because Ofsted were going to publicly humiliate her with an indefensible and outrageous one word opinion to a community she’d served for decades implying without any material changes that she was suddenly crap at her job.

And what is DEFRA other than a collection of useless people who are crap at their jobs?